Karate originated as a form of self defense without weapons. The name Karate-do can also be translated into “The way of the empty hand”. Kara means “empty”, Te translates to “hand” and Do is “the way”.

Nowadays we divide Karate into three different techniques. There’s the Kihon, which are the base techniques, the Kata which is performing the techniques without opponent and then there is the Kumite which is the sparring. Kumite and Kata are currently the most practiced forms of Karate.

For Kata you would usually use a different suit than you would for Kumite. A Kata suit is heavier, and much stiffer, to ensure that your movements are heard sufficiently. Also the wrap jacket is longer on the torso but the entire suit has shorter sleeves and trousers.

For Kumite most people prefer a much lighter and more breathable suit. This helps with freedom of movement and also feels more comfortable during sparring. With Kumite you’d also wear gloves, shin guards, a body protector, a groin guard and a mouth guard. With official tournaments all protectors need to be approved by the World Karate Federation. These are easily recognizable by the WKF Approved logo’s.

Currently Karate can be divided into 5 different styles:

The Shotokan Karate, which focuses mainly on the Kata’s and the higher stands.

The Kyokushinkai Karate, which focuses more on the Kumite and sparring.

The Wado Ryu Karate, which uses more grab and throwing techniques.

The Shito Ryu Karate, which focuses mostly on the Kata’s.

The Goju Ryu Karate, which focuses most on neutralizing and the internal. 

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